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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

20 October, 2022


Ixode AI

Ixode is an artificial intelligence identity ID project created using Python, NodeJS, (RL - Reinforcement Learning) for use in Cryptocurrency, metaverse and blockchain technologies.


Ixode About & Vision

The purpose of Ixode is to enable users to create their own ID system with blockchain. This created ID system will be available on all blockchain infrastructure and Ixode supported platforms. At the same time, users will be able to authenticate on exchanges with their Ixode Identity IDs.


Ixode Advantage

Ixode has 2 biggest advantages. The first of these is to maximize reliability, and the second most important advantage is to prevent SCAM Projects. Project owners can prove that the project is a real and verified project by integrating IXODE IDs in their project's SOLIDITY infrastructure.

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