Vote for The X Finance

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

14 October, 2022


❎ The X Finance - The Next Generation of DeFi on Binance Smart Chain
❇️ Listing Date: 14 October, 18:00 UTC

✅CA: 0xdCd8AEf7EDf1eB8d69501f70cDCC0FD16b22b4A5

Features & Advantages

Trust & Authorization-free.
Access and availability for everyone, free of authorization from third parties; all transactions are automatically executed by smart contracts, free of third party as a medium.

Standard & Interoperability.
Standardized financial protocol and contract-based DeFi factors. Protocols can be overlaid to create more potential scenarios.

Users face minimal risks as financial business logic is implemented by smart contracts, with which on-chain actions are traceable and third-party audit can be strictly enforced.

THEX holders can jointly govern the The X community and make decisions on incentives, pooling efforts for building the next-generation DeFi ecosystem.

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