Vote for Kokai Shin

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Market Cap


Launch Date

08 October, 2022


@KokaiShin is an ERC20 2nd layer based token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain with the Ethereum upgrades automatically applying to the fundamentals of the Voyagers Core which we will be implementing into our virtually ever expanding ecosystem, much like Polygon & Solana. Our goal is to create a Blockchain that will constantly improve the users experience and limit fee’s to a fraction of a penny and to give a little bit of insight for this use case our DEX will be built to handle both BEP2 & ERC20 tokens thus invalidating Uniswap and the likes of Pancakeswap with a user friendly platform that will simplify purchasing tokens especially for new users in the space, as it is the core belief of the development team the standards of the way tokens are purchased upon deployment is outdated and a new solution is in order, more so upon creating a token on the Voyagers Core Blockchain (VCB20) the deployer will NOT have the ability to remove LP nor the ability to modify sell tax beyond the initial settings with the ability to lower the tax

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Stanislav Stupák

2 years before ago


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