Vote for CorgiCoin

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

12 May, 2021


CORGI is the first equitable and environmentally-friendly dogecoin for everyone. The entire supply of 10,000,000,000 tokens has been permanently locked on PancakeSwap and the keys burned. No large chunks are owned by celebrities or other individuals, allowing CORGI to be a token by the people, for the people. CORGI is truly 100% community owned. Built from head to paw for democratic accwess on the Binance Smart Chain, CORGI is 100x cheaper to send than comparison ERC-20 pups. Ethereum gas fees have soared to over $100 for a simple token exchange, locking everyday pups out of ownership. CORGI is designed from the ground up as a BEP-20 token on BCS, so it can be transferred and exchanged for just cents!
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