Vote for MiniRipple

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

23 September, 2022


MiniRipple (MiniXRP) is a token created on a Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, the main function is to reward holders with Binance-Peg XRP Token which is 1:1 value to XRP price.

Why us? 

The answer is simple - We are transparent with our investors and with the community overall. Our goal is to succeed big time, which would put MiniRipple into the Crypto Radar, We are pushing it constantly to achieve our goals by delivering multiple utilities and developments overall.

Our personal team background is also well-known in the Crypto space, by delivering being skilled in Marketing and setting high bars to anyone.

Why we are special? 

Firstly our Team is strong by delivering, secondly our tokenomics are unique. 

 XRP Rewards = Contract automatically sells for XRP Rewards

BUYBACK = Which is done by daily basis manually, to cover XRP Reward sales, in that way we save the chart by multiple XRP Reward sales - Buying back manually. 

Also lets not forget about huge factor why we are here in the first place - Soaring news around the long lasted 

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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