Vote for Rafflet

(You can vote once every 24 hours.)


Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

09 September, 2022


  Rafflet is the first Token(ICO, IDO, MemeCoin) & NFT Whitelist Raffle Pad Protocol. Raffle Pad is a unique solution for both developers and investors to promote projects. It provides an innovative way to win whitelist spots. Rafflet aims to be one of the best unique platform across all chain.🚀🚀

📍 For Player : Players can participate in raffle and get whitelist spots for various ido, ico, meme token, and nft projects!

📍 For Project Owner : Project owners can register their projects in Rafflet to manage whitelist spots in a convenient and easy way.

✅ Dapp Already Launched :

✅ Powerful Deflation : [80% of the tokens used in raffle will be burned.]

✅ Staking Dapp Ready

✅ Base Strong Community

✅ Partnerships On Launch

✅ Experience Team

✅ KYC & Audit

✅ 0% Tax

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